A bad storm brings a lot of hassle and hardship for landowners, especially if there is damage to the property or estate. In Kansas City, one of the extreme weather conditions we face from time to time is tornadoes or lightning storms. These anomalies take a toll on your lawn and yard, leaving homeowners unsure where to begin picking up after the storm has passed.
At High Prairie Landscaping, we face our share of storm recovery landscaping tasks, and one of the questions we receive most frequently from clients is, “can you give me some tips on how to clean up my yard?”
Here, we have compiled a list of our top tips for lawn recovery after a bad storm.
Check Your Drainage
For a healthy lawn, proper drainage is key. When your lawn retains too much water or pooling, it damages grass, attracts insects, and can even cause mold and moss. Clear gutters and ensure there has been no damage to the gutter system. Leaves and mud could block the curbs in front of your home where other drainage exists. Clearing these areas will help your front yard drain more effectively.
Avoid Flood Waters
If your yard has developed flooding or large pools of water with enough depth that they could be dangerous, stay away from them. Unfortunately, when water levels rise and flooding occurs, the water can become quite unsanitary, harboring bacteria and pests. It is best to contact a professional to inspect the water before attempting to clear it from your property.
Clear Debris
Clearing the debris from your property will help you get a better idea of any damage that has been sustained. Tree branches, leaves, and any gardening tools or lawn furniture that has found its way onto the ground should be removed. Start small and work your way up, you may find that much of the debris can be cleared by composting.
Check for Broken Branches
Be sure to watch for damaged limbs on any large trees on your property which may have snapped but not fallen. These branches are dangerous and could fall as you are working in the yard. You may need to tend to these areas with a chain saw or call a landscaping professional to help remove the damaged portions of the tree.
Save What You Can
Sadly, not everything in our yards is salvageable after a large storm, but many of the plants you love can be revitalized if the damage is not severe. One of the things we often suggest to clients is looking for plants and flowers that look like they have made it through the storm unscathed. These are the specimens you should tend to quickly to ensure they continue to thrive.
Once you are sure your least damaged plants will make it through to see tomorrow, tend to the plants that have lost heads, branches, and petals. The heartier greenery may surprise you and pull through despite being damaged in the elements.
Look After Shrubs and Bushes
While trees do take quite a hit during big storms due to their stature, shrubs and bushes are more delicate and the damage they sustain is usually more intense. If you live in an area that is frequently hit by storms, you may want to invest in a storm fence to protect these elements of your landscaping. Otherwise, you could consider moving them to an area of the yard less accessible by high winds.
Trim hedges and bushes to remove damaged portions of the plants. This will ensure they do not continue trying to nourish the areas, while they should be nurturing healthier portions of the plant. Clean around the bases of shrubs and bushes so there is nothing blocking the absorption of water and nutrients.
Call a Landscaper
There is plenty to be done following a bad storm in Kansas City, but some of it is better left to the experts. For large, dangerous, or difficult tasks, you can count on your local landscapers to handle things with proper safety precautions and care.
At High Prairie Landscaping, we pride ourselves on being on the front line in cleanup and redevelopment following a storm. Helping our friends and neighbors revitalize your lawns and rebuild gardens is something we excel at.
If your property has suffered following a bad storm and you find yourself unsure where to begin, we invite you to contact High Prairie Landscaping at 1-816-398-2091. We are here to help.